S155 Electron Microscopy Lab
【How to reserve the equipment】
- You need Gmail account for reservation. Please send your Gmail account to the administrator (Tatsuya Awano, awano.tatsuya.7z[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp, replace [at] to @).
- Follow the invitation email from Google and add a calendar named “Reservation – S155” to your Google Calendar.
- You can find a calendar “Reservation – S155” in your calendar list.
- When adding a reservation, please fill in English in the format of “device name @ room number: user name”.
- Example: JEM-1400 @ S155: Awano Tatsuya
Transmission Electron Microscope
Ultra Microtome
Reichert UltraCut N
High Vacuum Evaporator
Hitachi HUS-5GB
High Pressure Freezer
Leica EM HPM100
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