1. Understand the mechanism of mechanical optimization of woody plants 木本植物の力学的最適化の仕組みを理解する キーワード:微細構造、組織と材質
Trees live twice. In other words, as a plant, it supports its own large body for a long time, and as a wood, it supports our culture and activities as a building and material. From a material point of view, plant tissue is a model of cellular solid that provides optimal performance with the least amount of material, and even a miner component subtly changes the performance in such a way that humankind cannot yet create. It is a composite material. We will examine the characteristics of woody materials from the standpoint of structural science, and find out why we humans have used them, and why the plant developed and unique the unique functions, etc.
Cherry bark has significant tensile properties, but it is lost upon drying. Moisture content is a unique trigger that enables the bark to fall off by itself.
Quarter-sawn wood panel has significant bending properties. This property is well known in traditional wooden architecture. Why?
2. Scrutinize structural diversity of wood by computer vision コンピュータービジョンを利用して木材構造の多様性を科学する キーワード: 樹種識別、種の特異性、構造の多様性
The structure of wood is very diverse and a record of tree life history. Not only it is beautiful, but there is a specific form of the tree species that has been acquired during a long evolution process. In other words, the structural diversity can be very important academic seeds. Efforts to decipher the meaning of diversity have been carried out by researchers with high expertise and extraordinary imagination, but it is still not fully understood. We, therefore, replace “observation” of humans with “machine learning” of artificial intelligence, and analyze the ‘big data’ of microscopic database to unveil the species-specificities, structure-properties relationship, and the environmental response, that are difficult to study just from the visual inspection.
AI based recognition is fun but needs professional knowledge to evaluate and interpret the model correctly.
3. In silico wood formation: species specific time-scale pattern in wood structure. 観察を超える形態の定量化は可能だろうか? キーワード:形成の数理生物学、年輪気候学
What does the transition of the size of the coniferous tracheid in each annual ring tell us? Can we detect the traces that the growth pattern peculiar to a tree species is affected by the environment? From machine learning and statistical analysis, it became clear that the size of the tracheid positioned at about 60% of the annual ring correlates with the precipitation in the previous year.
それぞれの年輪の中に見られる針葉樹の仮道管の大きさの移り変わりには何が記録されているのか? 樹種に特有の成長パターンが環境によって影響される痕跡を知ることはできるだろうか。機械学習や統計的に調べてみると年輪の6割程の位置にある仮道管の大きさが前年の降水量に相関することなどが見えてきた。
Inter-annual ring structure of Cryptomeria japonica wood relates to the climate!?
4. High-tech diagnoses of culturally important wooden materials 先端的な科学技術を利用して木質材料を診断する キーワード:放射光科学、博物学、保存科学
Scientific research is indispensable for maintaining wooden artefacts represented by cultural properties for a long time. However, in principle, those designated cultural properties requires non-destructive and non-invasive investigation. For this reason, X-ray CT has been introduced to the National Museums, and it is very useful for internal investigation of Buddha statues, for instance. Although the images are in low resolution, it is possible to extract various information on wood species and production procedures, by analyzing image data by making full use of the knowledge about wood and information processing technology.
Seeing is not always believing and needs theoretical background for seeing.
5. Hierarchical structure of woody plants: from molecules to tissues. 分子から組織へ:木本植物の層階状構造 キーワード:高圧急速凍結、電子顕微鏡、セルロース
How far did we understand the structure of wood cell wall? It has been a long-standing subject in our laboratory to understand the molecular architecture composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin and their cooperation. Among many unknown issues, the mechanism of crystallization of cellulose microfibirls is still debated. One approach is the structural study of nascent cellulose microfibril just after synthesis, with a state of art electron microscopic analyses.
Crystallization and structure of nascent cellulose microfibirl